Products and Services


pHASE pH Adjustment System

pH Adjustment Systems for Industry. The pHASE family of pH Adjustment systems are batch systems designed to handle continuous flows from 0-60 GPM. The pHASE family is capable of handling a variety of wastewater influent streams ranging from highly acidic to highly alkaline.

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  • pH Adjustment Systems
  • "Optimized Batch" pH Adjust
  • Flows to 60 GPM
  • Capable of treating highly acidic and highly alkaline effluents.
  • Skid Mounted / Turnkey Design.
  • Small, Compact Footprint.

labTREAT Lab Wastes Neutralization System

Acid Waste Neutralization (AWN) Systems. The labTREAT family of pH Neutralization systems are continuous flow through systems designed to handle continuous flows from 0-300 GPM. The labTREAT family is capable of handling a variety of wastewater streams from industrial and institutional research laboratories.

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  • Acid Wastes Neutralization (AWN)
  • "Hybrid Batch" pH Adjust
  • Flows to 300 GPM
  • Capable of treating high flows in a small footprint.
  • Skid Mounted / Turnkey Design.
  • Small, Compact Footprint.
  • One, two, and three stage design

batchTREAT Acid Wastes Neutralization System

Waste Neutralization The batchTREAT Family of pH Neutralization systems are designed to handle continuous flows of industrial wastewater from 0-10,000 GPM. This large platform system is a batch system that handles continuous flows that can be highly acidic or highly alkaline.

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  • Waste Neutralization Systems
  • "Optimized Batch" pH Adjust
  • Flows to 10,000 GPM
  • Capable of treating highly acidic and highly alkaline influent flow.
  • Skid Mounted / Turnkey Design.
  • Redundant / Duplex Systems available.

Duplex Batch pH Neutralization System

Battery Acid pH Neutralization Systems for the pH neutralization of concentrated acids such as battery acid or sulfuric acid. These systems are designed to handle the heat and energy released during the neutralization of concentrated acids by controlling the rate of reaction and through the use of process cooling.

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  • Battery Acid Neutralization
  • Sulfuric Acid pH Neutralization
  • Concentrated acid and concentrated base neutralization.
  • Waste acid and Waste Alkali neutralization.
  • Temperature monitoring and control.

Heavy Metal Reduction System

Heavy Metal Removal Systems for the reduction of RCRA and Priority Metals. Technologies including metal hydroxide precipitation, sulfide precipitation, ion exchange, and membrane technology are used together or individually as required by the individual application. Levels to the low ppb range are attainable.

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  • Heavy Metal Reduction
  • RCRA-8 Heavy Metals
  • RCRA Priority Metals
  • Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sn
  • Fluoride Removal
  • pH Neutralization
  • Effluent Compliance Monitoring

Fluoride removal system

Fluoride Reduction: Our Fluoride removal systems are designed to reduce fluorides from industrial wastewater to levels far below most discharge permit requirements. Hydrofluoric acid (HF), Buffered Oxide Etch (BOE), and all fluoride sources are neutralized and rendered non-hazardous with our fluoride reduction systems.

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  • Fluoride Reduction from all sources:
  • HF, NaF, NH4HF2, NH4F·HF, etc.
  • Yields safe / non-hazardous calcium fluoride salts
  • limits to 2 ppm
  • Influent loading as high as 50,000 mg/L
  • Includes pH Neutralization
  • Effluent Compliance Monitoring

316SS Duplex Lift Station

Lift Stations Collection Transfer Stations (CTS) are available for all fluid lift applications in sizes from 10 gallons to 10,000 gallons. These are completely automated lift stations. Simplex, duplex, and triplex pumping configurations are available.

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  • Simplex, Duplex, Triplex Lift Stations
  • Automatically alternating lead / lag pumps with automatic failed pump backup and detection.
  • All materials of construction including: PP, PE, PVC, CPVC, 304 & 316SS, Monel, Hastelloy, etc.

Neutralization Tank Fabrication

Neutralization Tanks can be custom fabricated for any pH neutralization application. All tanks are corrosive resistant and constructed for the specific application.. All custom fabricated acid neutralization tanks are extensively tested including a 24hr. hydro test.

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  • FRP, single wall or double wall
  • Stainless Steel: 304, 316, 317L
  • Seismic Restraints, Direct Burial, Indoor or Outdoor

Effluent pH Monitoring System

Effluent Monitoring Systems Effluent monitoring systems provide continuous online monitoring of critical effluent parameter such as pH, flow, and temperature for effluent permit compliance purposes. Also available are remote monitoring and control system, remote paging, etc.

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  • Effluent Recording of process parameters.
  • Paging of alerts and alarms via cell phone text messages
  • Remote monitoring via the Internet
  • Solar Power available for remote locations.