pH Adjustment Systems


Digital Analysis manufactures a complete line of pH adjustment / Acid Wastes Neutralization Systems for the neutralization of acids and bases from any industrial wastewater source. We have available skid mounted pH neutralization systems ranging in size from 1GPM up to 1,000GPM. For pH adjustment applications larger than 1,000GPM we have custom fabricated pH systems that are derivatives of our standard off the shelf pH treatment systems.

pH Neutralization System, 60 GPM capacity for the neutralization of acid and caustic

We manufacture four families of pH adjustment systems as follows:

  • pHASE pH Adjustment systems are batch pH adjustment systems designed to handle continuous flows (despite batch processing). The pHASE family is a very compact platform designed to fit into small spaces. pH systems in this family range in size from 1GPM to 40GPM. These pH systems are capable of handling concentrated acid and alkaline waste streams.
  • batchTREAT pH Adjustment systems are very similar to the pHASE family of pH neutralization systems, however, these are much large pH systems covering a range of 40GPM to over 1,000GPM. This family of pH neutralization system, due to its larger platform, is available with far more options.
  • labTREAT pH Adjustment systems are specifically designed to neutralize the wastewater streams from the pharma / biotech industry and employ features that allow for very efficient neutralization of CIP wastes. The labTREAT family of pH neutralization systems is capable of handling high flow rates in a small footprint. These pH systems are available in one, two, and three stage continuous flow through designs.
  • hydroTREAT pH Neutralization systems are specifically designed for the masonry / concrete / tunneling industries. These pH systems can be used on construction sites to handle runoff water from hydro-demolition, concrete, or tunneling operations. The use of concentrated / hazardous acids such as sulfuric acid is not required. These systems utilize carbon dioxide (CO2) for neutralization and are very effective for alkaline wastewaters.

Packaged / Skid Mounted pH Neutralization Systems
Digital Analysis manufactures four families of pH neutralization systems.
These include: pHASE, labTREAT, batchTREAT, and hydroTREAT

pHASE pH Adjustment System

pHASE Family of pH Adjustment systems are batch systems designed to handle continuous flows from 0-60 GPM. The pHASE family is capable of handling a wide range of industrial wastewater influent streams ranging from highly acidic to highly alkaline.

  • Continuous flows from 0-40GPM
  • Compact platform
  • Bi-directional: neutralize acids and bases.
  • Batch system design.
  • Will handle concentrated acids and bases.
  • Minimal maintenance.
  • Completely Automated
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labTREAT Lab Wastes Neutralization System

labTREAT Family of pH Adjustment systems are continuous flow through systems designed to handle continuous flows from 0-300 GPM. The labTREAT family is capable of handling a variety of wastewater streams from industrial and institutional research laboratories.

  • Continuous flows from 0-300GPM
  • Available in one, two, and three stage designs.
  • CIP neutralization - well suited for hot CIP wastes.
  • Bi-directional: neutralize acids and bases.
  • Continuous flow through system design.
  • Completely Automated
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batchTREAT Acid Wastes Neutralization System

batchTREAT Family of pH Neutralization systems are designed to handle continuous flows of industrial wastewater from 0-10,000 GPM. This large platform system is a batch system that handles continuous flows that can be highly acidic or highly alkaline.

  • Continuous flows from 0-1,000GPM
  • Many options including duplex / redundant pH system design.
  • Bi-directional: neutralize acids and bases.
  • Batch system design.
  • Will handle concentrated acids and bases.
  • Completely Automated
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hydroTREAT pH Adjustment Systems using Carbon Dioxide

hydroTREAT Family of pH Neutralization systems are specifically designed for alkaline / high pH influent flows, particularly wastewater from concrete and hydrodemolition applications. The hydroTREAT family is designed to use carbon dioxide (CO2).

  • Continuous flows from 0-1,000GPM
  • Concrete wastewater - Designed for concrete wastes, hydro-demolition wastewater, and tunneling wastewater and runoff.
  • Does not require the use of hazardous chemicals.
  • Safe carbon-dioxide (CO2) usage.
  • Completely Automated
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